ANNEX to Team Structure and Organisation

Each individual within the Survey organisation has defined responsibilities that enabled the survey to function safely and effectively.

In Canada

Project Director

The Project Director is responsible for all aspects of the project including outputs, financial and reporting systems, scheduling, personnel and overall quality control. Responsibilities include but are not limited to:

In Cambodia

Project Manager

The Project Manager (expatriate) is responsible directly to the Project Director (Canada) for the implementation of the programme. Key responsibilities include but are not limited to the management and close monitoring of all project-related activities.

Survey Manager and Assistant Survey Manager

The Survey Manager (expatriate) and his local counterpart the Assistant Survey Manager are jointly responsible to the Project Manager for planning and implementation of village-level survey operations. Their combined responsibilities include but are not limited to the management and close monitoring of all operational tasks. In the absence of the Project Manager, the Field Survey Manager will assume responsibility for the project.

In addition to the above responsibilities the Assistant Survey Manager is also responsible as follows:

Field Coordinator

The Field Coordinator provides assistance to the project as directed by the Assistant Survey Manager. In instances when teams are deployed such that two mobile field offices are required, the Field Coordinator assumes responsibility for the second mobile field location.

Team Leaders

Each team of surveyors is assigned a Team Leader (operations) and a Deputy Team Leader (support) who share responsible for the day-to-day management of survey teams. Team Leaders report to the Assistant Survey Manager. Responsibilities include:

Detachment Leaders and Surveyors

Detachment Leaders/Surveyors are responsible for conducting the Level One Survey throughout their assigned areas of responsibility. Surveyors and Detachment Leaders will:

Field Editors (2)

Quality Assurance/Quality Control Manager

The QA/QC Manager reports directly to the Field Project Manager, and is responsible for ensuring the accuracy and completeness of the survey in accordance with Survey SOP’s. The QA/AC Manager will:

Assistant QA/QC Manager

Logistics Coordinator

The Logistics Coordinator is responsible for ensuring all required logistical arrangements in support of field survey operations are in place. The Logistics Coordinator will:

Database Manager

The Database Manager reports to the Project Manager and works to ensure the effective design and functioning of an information storage, analysis and retrieval system specifically tailored to meet the needs of Cambodia with respect to the utilization of Level One Survey mine/UXO data. The database manager will:

Data Entry Officers (3)

GIS Operator

Database Operator (seconded from CMAA)

Finance Officer

Office Manager

In carrying out these tasks the Office Manager has the assistance of the following staff:
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